life drawing

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Fusion Drawing, charcoal, chalk and pastel on black card

A1, (2022)

Final part of the exercise, was to add in animal or another figure bones. I thought a mermaid would suit.

Over 3 lessons, the assignment was draw a Life Drawing of a model in 1 hour. On that day, I did a few drawings, and was tasked with choosing which drawing I would like to carry on adding the fusion of bones to.

2nd week, the next part of the assignment was to add in the bones. It could be anything, so I chose a bat, at a large scale, to embrace the sitting, sad, cello-playing man.

I wanted to add another fusion of bones so I did a mermaid skeleton. It took 3 hours to do the mermaid skeleton. 


charcoal, chalk, pastel on black card

A1 – 35mins, (2022)

We had a nude model for the lesson. I love drawing on black and use chalk and charcoal. This drawing took 35mins, and using my fingers, I shaded, keeping in mind, the direction of the limbs. I was extremely happy with the result.

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